After three days of eating and drinking in Portland, Scott and I headed off to Yakima. We took the scenic route and drove along the Columbia River, then went up along the Klickitat River. It was amazing to watch the terrain transform from forest to high mountain desert.
We were staying at Cherry Wood Bed Breakfast and Barn, where they have teepees and horseback riding wine tours. Yes, both the teepee and the wine tour were awesome! Pepper, one of the owners of Cherry Wood, made really delicious breakfasts both mornings, even though she doesn’t particularly like cooking. If I was that good at something I didn’t care about, imagine how good I would be at the things I did care about! The ride was really fun. It was great to chat with the other people in our group, and we went to three wineries and had lunch at one of them. It was “just” and antipasto spread, but everything on the place was good and it was plenty filling. We went to three wineries, and ordered three bottles of wine from Cultura. (Side note- Maryland wine laws are terrible so we had to send the wine to my parents in New York.)
That evening, we decided to build a fire outside of our teepee and cook on it. The grocery store in Zillah, the town where Cherry Wood is actually located, didn’t exactly have much in the way of selection, but we got some sausage and some corn and cooked them over the open flame. It was really nice and relaxing, overlooking the valley and listening to the coyotes howling.
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