Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: Being The Best Me I can Be!

The new year is a time for reflection, and a time to look ahead. 2011 was flat out amazing. The meals I ate, the places I visited, the fun I had with friends and family all added to something wonderful. I can’t even remember what resolutions I made at this time last year, but no matter what they were, if I accomplished them or not, 2011 was great.
Now that it is 2012, I’m looking ahead to another year that I hope is just as amazing. There are so many wonderful things happening this year, including my husband turning 30 (and the surprise that will accompany that!), my big brother is getting married to a fabulous woman who has become a friend, and my fifth wedding anniversary will be celebrated with another great trip.
This year, my only resolution is to do everything I can to be the best, happiest and healthiest me I can be. How this will play out over the next 12 months is anybodies guess, but I can tell you one thing- by the end of 2012 I plan on being great. In 2011 I lost 30 pounds, and I hope to continue that trend through Weight Watchers, which is a great program that has really worked for me. I want to couple that with being a regular, consistent gym goer. Hopefully this will also involve becoming a better runner but I would be happy just doing some kind of work out on a regular basis. My gym habit has waxed and waned over the past year, and I need to make it a priority.
Another part of being the healthiest me I can be involves finally getting a handle on my headaches. There have been weeks at a time where I cannot remember a day where I did not have a headache. Excedrine is like candy to me and I have never thought twice about popping more than the recommended dose multiple times a day. A lot of my headaches are stress-related, and I carry all of my stress in my neck and shoulders. I have actually already started working on this goal, through acupuncture and a laser treatment. So far, the combination really seems to be helping me. Hopefully things will continue and the frequency and duration of my headaches will continue to lessen.
I hope everyone has also had a chance to reflect on the past year, and have figured out what they can do to be the best they can be.
Feel free to leave a comment here about your resolution, and we can look back at the end of 2012 and see how we did. Happy New Year!!!!!


  1. Kylie!!! <3

    I can't begin to tell you how proud we are of you as an individual and as a couple. You've always been one of our dearest and most favorite people. Still, it has been wonderful to journey "with" you and see your viewpoints, experiments, successes, and yes even your challenges with food, exercise, and health. It's really awesome to see you fearlessly dive into areas that were previously unknown to you. But that's YOU, Kylie... absolutely FEARLESS. It's been such a privilege to get to know you even better over the years. You're truly a beautiful person, inside and out. I don't know that I have any resolutions for the year per se. We've got a really good program going for us that keeps us physically active, very aware of nutrition, and even spiritually alert. It's a great combo, and we simply want to keep it up. Sometimes maintaining a good thing is the biggest challenge --- not feeling as if you've "arrived", so to speak. But like you, we want to remember and enjoy The Journey, and to attack our own path fearlessly, while at the same time enjoying that journey to the full. Kylie, you are AWESOME. I wish you all kinds of crazy success and happiness for 2012 and beyond! - U (your personal paparazzi)

  2. I found your blog from Weight Watchers and thought I'd check it out! My 2012 resolution is to finally hit my goal weight!! Good luck on your resolution this year; I'm sure you will do great!
